Special Thanks!
Special Thanks to all the youth leaders for their “pilgrims” and “youth” programs virtual effort. This is a great ministry opportunity! Contact Gwen (Children’s Coordinator),
Wesley or Cara for more info.
Worship Attendance:
Due to recent local Covid Spike indoor worship has been cancelled.
However, all determinants will be carefully considered with diligence and prayerful discernment weekly.
Please be patient and flexible in your faith during these challenging times.
Local Food Bank:
There is a designated table in fellowship hall for any non-perishable items for
“Loaves and Fishes” Local Food Bank. These items will be collected and delivered. Just coordinate with Pastor for drop off times.
Tithes and Offerings:
You can now give online thru Holston.org.
Just follow drop-down menus and click on Clinch Mountain District and Chilhowie UMC. Then follow payment directions.
You can also mail check to:
Chilhowie UMC Seven Mile Ford UMC
P.O. Box 367 843 Indianhead Ln
Chilhowie VA 24319 Chilhowie VA 24319
Continued Thanks!
Thanks to Pat Britton for online music videos and Cynthia Robertson for in-person worship piano accompaniment.