Church Cancelled by Bishop Mandate: Until further notice!
Pilgrims Cancelled: Will resume at later date!
Wednesday Bible Study Cancelled: Will also resume at later date. Church office is still open till 6:00 p.m. for share, reflection and prayer.
Church Council Mtg: The Church Council Mtg scheduled for March has been cancelled. We are currently considering rescheduling to Bi-Monthly with special called meetings as needed. Please see Pastor Charles for more info.
N.O.W. Sign-up: Please join the Nurture, Outreach and Witness teams as an opportunity for discipleship. The sign-up sheets with descriptions are in foyer. All are welcome!
Spring Senior Luncheon Schedule: The luncheon schedule is Wed 0418 and Wed 0520. All luncheons are at12:00 p.m. and planning sessions are forthcoming.
Easter Cantata: Info pending
Holy Week Schedule: Info pending
Palm Sunday service will be 0405 with communion.
Holy Thursday service will be 0409 at Chilhowie at 6:00 p.m. with communion.
Community Good Friday service will be 0410 at Tates Chapel UMC at 6:00 p.m. This will be a Tenebrae service.
District Newsletter: Hard copy of District Newsletter is available and located on small table in foyer.